Month: July 2020

  • Laboring Under Delusions vs. Laboring Under Bullshit

    Content Warning: Brief discussion #MeToo subject matter A few months back I wrote about David Graeber at an RSA talk concerning his book Bullshit Jobs. I was struck by some of his claims but found many lacking academic rigor behind them. Apparently, when reading his book, I was not alone on this front as Nick…

  • When “Progress” Means Stepping on People, It Gets Easier to See

    Remember when I wrote that article about how capitalism justifies itself with bogus studies that seems plausible enough or make it sound like capitalism has done a good job? Right, of course you do, because that was literally the last article. Luckily, I totally planned for this next article to be an excellent display of…

  • When it Comes to Job Numbers, “Don’t Believe the Hype!”

    I remember getting into Public Enemy when I was in high school. That’s because of the wonderful band Rage Against The Machine, who themselves were inspired by Public Enemy. So the transition from one band to another makes a ton of sense for my teenage self. Anyways, that’s the reference. And here’s the article that…

  • May the Caring Classes Revolt: A Brief Look at Value and Pay Under Capitalism

    I’ve had a lot of surprises in my life, some weren’t welcomed and others were. Perhaps this most recent surprise was a mix of both? David Graeber has an account on Linked In and has written on the site as well! I couldn’t imagine anything more immediately ironic and funny. I could care less about…