
Intro Articles on Work

The Abolition of Work, by Bob Black

How “Work” is Framed, by Brian Deane 

Life Without Principle, by Henry David Thoreau

In Praise of Idleness, by Bertrand Russell

The Gospel of Relaxation, by William James


Advanced Articles on Work

The Crisis of Work, by Andre Gorz

Let’s Destroy Work, by Alfred Bonano

The Soul of Man Under Socialism, by Oscar Wilde

Dark Satanic Cubicles – It’s time to Smash the Job Culture, by Claire Wolfe

What do we mean by work?: A Response to Bob  Black’s “The Abolition of Work”, by DaveH

What Work Means and Why That Matters, by Bob Black (a response to the above piece)

Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism, by E. P. Thompson (PDF)



Doing Nothing: A History of Loafers, Loungers, Slackers and Bums

Studs Terkel – WORKING (PDF)

Apathy and Other Small Victories

A Working Stiff’s Manifesto: A Memoir of Thirty Jobs I Quit, Nine That Fired Me, and Three I Can’t Remember

Abolish Work (note, I have a free PDF of this book, just email me!)



The Abolition of Work, by Bob Black

The Anti-Work Workshop (Audio only)


Recommended Sites

The Anarchist Library

Anti-Work Subreddit

The Idler, a British Magazine

International Institute of Not Doing Much

Rethinking the Job Culture

Wikipedia Article on “Refusal of Work”