Tag: antiwork subreddit

  • A (Non) Work in Progress

    So…a lot happened.

    Throughout this year my admin had been saying he was going to make some big changes to sites he was helping me manage. I don’t understand a lot about websites so I trusted him to do what was right and thought I had everything backed up. Turns out…I was wrong. When he made those changes I lost everything. Well, Way Back Machine not included, thankfully.

    I’m still pondering how to bring the site back, but for now, this’ll have to do.

    Please visit the anti-work subreddit I moderate along with other excellent mods.

    It’s massively popular (over 75K Idlers at the time of writing) so there is plenty to do there while you wait for me to figure out what to do here. In the meantime, visit our Twitter and Facebook (where I occasionally share anti-work memes and updates on the status of the site!).

    As always and forever more, happy slacking!