Category: Blog Update

  • I Got Interviewed on KMOX: The Voice of St. Louis

    *Here’s the link for those interested! The hosts discuss my ideas afterwards and for some reason bring up China, universal rights, and “things will just get done” wishful thinking from the anti-work movement but the other two co-hosts pushed back against that, thankfully. Thanks again to Ryan Wrecker of KMOX for reaching out! *link no…

  • Fear of a Lazy Planet – A Book Review of Dr. Devon Price’s “Laziness Does Not Exist”

    I was provided this copy in advance by Dr. Price themself and as such my page citations may differ from your own. As well, any errors in quotes or differences from your copy of the book should be seen as my own error or due to my different version and not the fault of Dr.…

  • Into the Agora: Life Beyond Work

    Hey y’all, it’s been a weird past few months, to say the least. I’m still having online classes, working part-time and constantly worrying about my health and those close to me. In the meantime, here’s a podcast that I did a month or so ago and I hope you’ll enjoy it!    

  • Plans for 2020 / Play on Purpose

    Happy New Year! Oh. Oh. Oh. Uh, Happy New Year? Yeah, the news lately has been bad, no doubt about that. I hope everyone who reads this site in Australia is taking care of themselves and those they love. And that those of us in the US think hard about what we can do to resist…

  • A (Non) Work in Progress

    So…a lot happened. Throughout this year my admin had been saying he was going to make some big changes to sites he was helping me manage. I don’t understand a lot about websites so I trusted him to do what was right and thought I had everything backed up. Turns out…I was wrong. When he…